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II Międzynarodowy Festiwal Chórów Studenckich "GAUDEAMUS"

II International festival of student's choruses "GAUDEAMUS"

Starting date2009-07-03
Ending date2007-07-05
Country, CityRussia, St. Petersburg
Entered 2009-02-22 by Justyna Dziuma

II International festival of student's choruses "GAUDEAMUS"
on July, 3-5rd 2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia
1. Organizer is The All-Russia association of student's choruses "GAUDEAMUS", the Musical society of St.-Petersburg.
2. Participants of the Festival - Youth, student's, university choruses. During the Festival there will be concerts in St.-Petersburgs churches and halls, open areas.
3. The purpose of festival - the organization of a place of a meeting of choruses, display of their creativity, adjustment of cultural communications, possible exchanges, dialogue of conductors of choruses, informal dialogue.
4. Rules of the festival.
4.1 Choruses sing all a cappella, it is obligatory to learn two songs for summary chorus: the Hymn to great city, GAUDEAMUS. (Notes will be sent)
4.2 The chorus can prepare the solo program for 30 minutes, in a summary concert time of participation of 12 minutes
5. All choruses will receive diplomas of participants of festival.
6. To each chorus the close attitude - is guaranteed!
7. Organizational payment 100 euros.
The Festival address:
II International festival of student's choruses "GAUDEAMUS"
Russia, St.-Petersburg,
the Prospectus of Verifiers, №.10
Organizing committee
of festival " GAUDEAMUS "
tel.: +78123936511
mob.: +79500123684



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