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WE ARE SINGING CRACOW International Choral Festival

International Choral Festival WE ARE SINGING CRACOW

Starting date2021-05-07
Ending date2021-05-09
Submission deadline2021-02-01
Country, CityPoland, KRAKOW
Entered 2019-11-05 by We Are Singing

We Are Singing Cracow is a non-competitive meeting of all choir categories. The choirs will participate for the joy of singing, and to share their music with other choirs and audience members. This festival gives you an unique chance to get to know the magic city of Cracow and to sing in beautiful halls of Bochnia Salt Mine and Polish churches.
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/WeAreSingingCracow/
Organiser's Website: http://wearesinging.org
Приезжайте в Краков в мае 2021 года, чтобы принять участие в хоровом фестивале, который будет интересным и запоминающимся. Концерты  пройдут в Кракове и в зале соляной шахты Бохния на глубине 220 м



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