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Sudraba Zvani

Festival-Competition Silver bells

Starting date2019-01-10
Ending date2019-01-13
Country, CityLatvia, Daugavpils
Event locationVienibas nams
Choir - organizerDaugava
AddressRīgas 22a
Entered 2018-10-06 by Jevgenijs U.

XIII International Sacred Music Festival “Silver Bells” 
January 10 – 13, 2019, Daugavpils (Latvia) 
1. Organizers are Daugavpils City Council, Department of Culture, Centre of Latvian Culture. Festival takes place once in every two years. 
2. Participants of the Festival – Choirs, Orchestras, Ensembles and soloists. 
3. In the framework of the Festival the Competition for Young Singers will be organized. In the Competition soloists will participate in the following categories: 
A1: girls up to 9 years of age included 
A2: boys up to 10 years of age included 
A3: girls in the age from 10 till 12 years 
A4: girls in the age from 13 till 16 years 
A5: boys in the age from 11 till 16 years included 
A6: girls and boys in the age from 17 till 19 years included. 
The age of participants is defined on January 10, 2019. The participants perform 2 compositions: 
 Composition of sacred character 
 Composition of free choice. 
The compositions may be performed a capella or with acoustic accompaniment, the total duration of the programme – up to 8 minutes. Before the performance the participants submit the performance programme and three copies of every composition to be performed. 
4. Competition of Choirs and Ensembles. During the Festival a competition of amateur choirs and vocal ensembles is held in the following categories: 
B1: Children Choirs (all singers up to 15 years of age included, 20-50 participants) 
B2: Boys Choirs (all singers up to 19 years of age included, 20-50 participants) 
B3: Young Children Choirs (all singers up to 11 years of age, 20-50 participants) 
C: Youth Choirs (up to 25 years of age, 20-50 participants) 
D: Adult Choirs of Equal Voices (male or female, 20-50 participants) 
E: Mixed Choirs (25-50 participants) 
F: Vocal Groups (3-8 participants without age restriction) 
G: Children Vocal Ensembles (all singers up to 15 years of age, 6-15 participants) 
H: Adult Vocal Ensembles (6-12 participants) 
I: Chamber Choirs (13-28 participants without age restriction) 
J: Orthodox and Old Believer Religious Music (Orthodox and /or Old Believers’ religious music is performed, 3-50 participants) 
K: Catholic and Protestant Religious Music (Catholic and/or Protestant religious music is performed, 3-50 participants) 
L: Polyphonic Music (3-50 participants without age restriction) 
M: Contemporary Sacred Music (all works from the period of 1970 and later, 3-50 participants) 
N: Spiritual, Gospel, Jazz & Pop (3-50 participants) 
O: Folk Music (3-50 participants without age restriction) 
P: Latvian Sacred Music (3-50 participants without age restriction) 
The participants of the competition in every category perform three compositions: 
 Programme of categories J, K, M, P should include only sacred music compositions; 
 Programmes of others categories (except category O) should include 2 sacred music compositions and one composition of free choice. 
In the category O participants perform 9-10 minutes programme of folk music without limitations of the numbers of programs. In this category only groups, who take part also in another category, can participate. 
In all categories at least one composition must be performed a cappella, in the accompaniment only acoustic instruments should be used. 
The time of the performance in the categories C, D, E: 10-14 minutes; 
The time of the performance in the categories B, G: 7-12 minutes. 
The time of the performance in other categories (with the exception for category O): 8-12 minutes. 
Choirs can perform in several categories, provided the registration fee in each category is paid. Before the performance the groups submit the programme and five copies of each composition, to be performed in the contest. 
5. Scoring System and Awards 
The performance will be evaluated by an international Jury using the system of 100 points, taking into account technical merit and artistic interpretation. The verdict of the Jury is final and indisputable. 
Each participant will receive a Diploma of Participation. 
 III degree Diploma will be awarded to the competitors having 65-74.99 points. 
 II degree Diploma will be awarded to the competitors having 75-84.99 points and more. 
 I degree Diploma will be awarded to the competitors having 85 - 100 points. 
 The winners of the category will be awarded with the Trophy and Diploma of Winners of Competition. 
The collectives having 90 points and more have an opportunity to participate in the Grand Prix competition. In the Grand Prix competition the choirs perform one sacred music composition, max. 10 minutes long. Before the performance the groups submit the programme and six copies of each composition, to be performed in the contest. In the Grand Prix competition winners of Grand Prix of the previous festivals are not eligible to take part for five years after receiving the award. 
The best collectives of the Grand Prix competition will be awarded the following prizes: 
Grand Prix and 1st Prize – 5 000.00 EUR 
2nd Prize – 600.00 EUR 
3rd Prize – 400.00 EUR 
Prize for the Best Children's collective (choir or ensemble) – 500.00 EUR 
Prize for the Best Ensemble (or vocal group) – 500.00 EUR 
Collectives are also eligible for the Special prizes. 
6. The programme of the Festival 
10.01.2019 – Competition for Young Singers (at 12.00), Awarding of competitors (at 18.00) 
11.01 - competition of Children’s Choirs and Ensembles (at 12.00); festival concerts, the Opening Concert of the Festival and Awarding of competitors (at 19.00); 
12.01 – competition of Adult Choirs and Ensembles; festival concerts, Social evening for the participants and Awarding of competitors (at 21.00); 
13.01 – festival concerts, Grand Prix competition, Awarding and the Closing Concert of the Festival (at 15.00). 
7. Accreditation 
All expenses connected to the participation in the Festival are paid by the participants. The organizers will try to find reasonable conditions of stay for every participant and will help with finding a residence and dining facilities:
Hostel – 8-10 EUR per person per night, 
Hotel– from 16 EUR per person per night, 
Meals– 7-10 EUR per person per day. 
Festival organizers can book a bus transfer to Daugavpils from the airport of Riga, Vilnius and Kaunas. 
All rights of photographs and audio-, video- recordings produced during the Festival are reserved to the organizers. 
A non-refundable registration fee: 
 For the soloists – 20.00 EUR 
 For the groups - for the first category 250.00 EUR, for the next category – 150.00 EUR 
Until November 1, 2018 participants have to: 
1. Submit Application Form, a short summary of previous creative activity, photo of the participants. 
2. Make transfer of participation fee 
The payment order has to include surname of the soloist / title of the group, for whom the payment is made. 
Details for payment of participation fee: Name: Daugavpils pilsētas domes norēķinu centrs 
Address: K.Valdemāra iela 1 Registration number: 90000077325 Bank code: A/S Swedbanka, kods HABALV22 Account number: LV69HABA0001402041250 
Sub-account 20000000000 
Contact us: 
“Silver Bells” 
Daugavpils City Council Department of Culture 
Kr. Valdemāra street 13 
Daugavpils, LV - 5401 
tel.: +(371)65423601 (Department of Culture) 
mob.: +(371)29538278 (Jevgeņijs Ustinskovs) 



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