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2. Salzburg International Choral Celebration & Competition

2nd Salzburg International Choral Celebration & Competition

Starting date2019-06-19
Ending date2019-06-24
Submission deadline2018-12-15
Country, CityAustria, Salzburg
Entered 2017-11-27 by Meeting Music

Love to return to the the stronghold of Austrian music, Salzburg in 2019


Salzburg, as Mozart’s hometown, is traditionally famous for its musical festivals and vivid cultural life during the whole year. Meet there again through choral music!

Beyond the love of music, Salzburg is renowned for its geographical surroundings, what makes the city’s original Alpine atmosphere and for its baroque architecture, such as the Cathedral, or the Hohensalzburg Castle from middle ages.

Find yourselves welcomed at the Opening Concert in Mozarteum! Listen to a musical welcome greetings from the region. Sing in your favorite categories such as Mixed Choirs, Male and Female Choirs, Children’s and Youth Choirs, Musica Sacra and Folklore. Perform in the Dome and the churches of Salzburg, at beautiful & historical venues of the city.

meeting music
Konrad Adenauer Str. 36
35415 Pohlheim / Germany
tel: +49 6403 9784225



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