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9th International Choir Competition & Festival ”A ruginit frunza din Vii”

Starting date2016-10-27
Ending date2016-10-30
Submission deadline2016-09-30
Country, CityMoldova, Kiszyniów
Entered 2016-09-22 by Marian Elena

Welcome to the international choir competition from Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, in the heart of Europe.  

Our organization is committed to give the participants the opportunity to interact with young performers from different cultural backgrounds, countries and religions.  

The basic aim of the festival is to give to participants an unforgettable artistic and social experience! 

Competition regulations  

The contest is addressed for non-professional choirs, led by professional conductors.  
The participating choirs need to perform four scores in acapella format and one with accompaniment (A, E categories), and all acapella – B, C, D categories.  
Scores’ categories needed to be performed at the contest:
   1. Classic music no later than 1600.
   2. National Music.
   3. Sacred Music
   4. Contemporary music written no earlier than 1950.
   5. Free choice score.
Conductors are not allowed to perform with the choir they lead their own compositions.

The organizing committee will not be liable for any copyright infringements from behalf of the participating choirs.

The event will be held in two main sections: “Festival” and “Contest”  

The choirs are allowed to participate at the “Festival” sections without taking part at the “Competition” section if the wish. The participation fee stays the same.

The order of the choirs’ performance is set by the Organizing Committee through a draw organized before the start of the competition.

The organizing committee reserves all the rights to record and reproduce all the related event concerts.

The festival is equipped with a piano. The Choirs who intend to use other musical instruments, they have to take care of themselves and their transport employment and inform Organizing Committee.  

Contest Prizes:  

1st Place: Gold Diploma ( 9,0—10,0 points) 
2nd Place: Silver Diploma ( 8,0-8,9 points) 
3rd Place: Bronze Diploma ( 7,0 – 7,9 points)  

The choir who will not be able to score the points needed to secure a prize will be qualified to receive an Excellence Diploma, offered for participating at our festival.    

Application Package  

Your application must include:
  • Application Form
  • Recent photo of the choir
  • Choir biography (no longer than 200 words, 10-15 rows)
  • Choir members’ list, which will include the year of birth and travel document number.  
  • Recordings for three scores performed in the last two years. It can be sent in audio format, including a Youtube link.  
  • One scanned copy for each performed score (5 songs)  
Food and accommodation is paid by the participating choirs.

The deadline for submitting the documents is November June 31st 2016, on the email address: asociatiamuzicalcorala@gmail.com or mariancapriccio@yahoo.com  

Participation fee 
The participation fee is 250 EUR per category  A, B,C, D. 
The participation fee is 75 EUR per category E 
 If willing to participate for a second category, the participation fee will decrease at 150 EUR/category.  

Uwaga! Ze względu na krótki termin, organizator zwalnia polskie chóry z tej opłaty (przyp. JD. - wiadomość z 23.09.2016)

The amount has to be paid on the following bank account:   
Banking information: 
Correspondent Bank: Commerzbank AG 
Beneficiary’s bank: Victoriabank, Chișinău, Moldova 
Account: MD61VI000000022517031178  

Judging criteria:  
a) Vocal technique  b) Artistic achievement  c) Program selection d) Vocal strength  e) Stylistic variety and artistic effect    
The international jury will include 7 members. The decision of the Jury is final and cannot be contested.  
“National” section program: 
It is mandatory for each choir to perform three scores that would represent their own country cultural heritage. The performance time should not exceed 10-12 minutes.  
Sacred Music  
It is mandatory for each choir to perform three scores of sacred music that would represent their own country. 
Performance time: 10-12 min.   
The performances in the Contest Program will take place at the National Museum of Ethnography And Natural History from Chișinău. National Program event will be held in the Organ Hall from Chișinău. 
Sacred Music performances will take place in several Monasteries and Churches in Chișinău and its surroundings   

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