We promote singing in a choir as a lifestyle
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32nd Interanational OTE Choir Festival

Efi Proikou

Starting date2016-11-25
Ending date2016-11-28
Submission deadline2016-10-01
Country, CityGreece, Thessaloniki
AddressMitropolitou Gennadiou 6
Entered 2016-06-27 by Efi Proikou

32nd International Ote Choir Festival 

25-28 November 2016 

Thessaloniki Greece


The Festival is organized by the Personel s Club of Greek Organization for Telecomunications.

Terms of  participation

1.Place of the Festival

Thessaloniki is the second biggest city in Greece. The festival will take place in the Concert Hall of Aristotle University.


2. Participation


  • Any kind of choir of children, youth, adult male and female can take part .
  • There is no age limit


3. Concerts

The group must prepare the following

 5 pieces for the main concert of the festival

In their repertoire must include

1 regligious song

1 folk song of their country

3 songs of free choice.


4.   Selection

The Organisation committee will choose the groups will participate. For the evaluation of groups you must sent


  • Information for the choir
  • Information for the conductor
  • 2 (Two) high resolution photos of your choir their costumes
  • Dvd or youtube links of your choir singing
  • The attached application form completed



5. Gift exchanges

    Each participant group will receive dipolomas.


 For full conditions please contact us. diavlosc@yahoo.gr / www.diavloslink.gr



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