Международен хоров фестивал "Черноморски звуци"
V-th International choir festival "Chernomorski zvutsi"
Starting date | 2015-06-03 | |
Ending date | 2015-06-07 | |
Country, City | Bulgaria, Balchik | |
WWW | http:// chernomorskizvutsi.com | |
Entered | 2015-01-08 by Valentina Georgieva |
Dear Madam / Sir! Dear Choristers! I would like to invite you to take part in the Fifth International Choir Festival "Chernomorski zvutsi" – 3 - 7 June 2015 - the different festival, open to all kinds of choirs, combining competition, festival programs and workshops. Five days in the beautiful seaside town just for € 60, € 80 or € 90, accommodation with breakfast and dinner! The Forum is a unique celebration for hundreds of like-minded people around the world and an event in which, center is the Singing spirit of the free and happy person. In our festival there is a competition program as well as rehearsals in workshop with composer-conductor. More than 2500 singers from Bulgaria, France, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Serbia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Romania, Lithuania, Turkey and Greece participated in the first fourth festival editions. The main purpose of the festival is building bridges between nations, cultures, composers, conductors and choirs. The deadline for submission of application forms is 31 January 2015. The application form for participation and the information about the festival are in the link bellow: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i9r1ner94kjs0nn/AAAnwwVYJ_G9vqfHf9TzvjkGa?dl=0 For more information check our web page http://www.chernomorskizvutsi.com/ I expect your application form to: festival@chenomorskizvutsi.com If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me, I am at your disposal. In case you are not able to accept our invitation, please send it to your friend groups/group leaders and remind them of the application deadline. I am looking forward to your reply. Best regards, Valentina Georgieva, PhD President of the Association "Musical world - Balchik" and Artistic Director of the ICF "Chernomorski zvutsi" + 359 885 011 265