Starting date | 2014-08-27 |
Ending date | 2014-09-02 | |
Country, City | Bulgaria, Kamchia, Bułgaria | |
WWW | http:// | |
Entered | 2014-06-20 by Justyna Dziuma |
CREATIVE MEETING ‘TOGETHER IN THE 21st CENTURY’ 27.08 – 02.09.2014 Kamchia - Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria SITUATION Creative meeting ‘TOGETHER IN THE 21st CENTURY’ On the occasion of 70th anniversary of the liberation of Europe from fascism During the years of the Second World War 1. General information Participants: To participate in the Creative meeting ‘Together in the 21st Century’ are invited choral, theatre and dance groups, vocal ensembles and soloists, beginner artists and photographer-artists, amateur song writers, and also young poets from Bulgaria and from near and far foreign countries, who have the self-awareness of heirs of the Great Victory over fascism during the years of the Second World War and dedicated their work to the fight against fascism, for world peace and friendship between countries and peoples. Objectives of the Festival: To revive the movement of brotherhood and spiritual unity of the peoples in the world, based on the rich heritage of the past years in the field of culture and art, and enrich Slavic culture with the new creative potential of non-Slavic countries on the basis of unity and friendship between nations; To strengthen friendship and cooperation between Slavic and non-Slavic countries; To promote Slavdom and strengthen mutual understanding between Slavs and other peoples in Europe and all over the world; Therefore, implementation of the project ‘Together in the 21st Century’ will take place in three areas: Slavic countries of Europe; Countries with a large percentage of population of the Slavic diaspora – countries from the near foreign countries to Russia and from Eastern Europe; Non-Slavic countries of Europe with a special program that is aimed at approximation with the culture and art of Slavic countries. To discover new names among talented young people; To revive and maintain the best traditions and to unite creative forces for further cooperation; To hold festivals once or two times a year, which will not be carried out on a competitive basis (by pre-selection of the organizing committee for participation), because creative meetings should not aim at assessing the professionalism of the group, but at uniting the peoples of the world and implementing mutual cultural exchange. (Within the Creative meeting a competition will be held for young performers and authors to discover new names and create conditions for their creative development.) Goals of the Festival: The Creative meeting ‘TOGETHER IN THE 21st CENTURY’ is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Europe from fascism during the years of the Second World War. All concerts and works should be devoted to the general idea – the friendship between peoples, the spirituality and originality of the art of one’s own people, the struggle against fascism for peace, the love of the Planet Earth, and also the memory of the victims of the Second World War and of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. To unite the progressive creative forces of Europe for peace without fascism, violence and wars through the art and culture of their peoples; To sing songs from the war years in the categories ‘Choral Music’ and ‘Vocal’; To discover young talents to participate in the cultural life of Europe by submitting invitations to them to participate in concerts in the countries that are represented at the Creative meeting; To organize various cultural events and attract not only professionals to take part in them, but also less known groups, amateurs, non-professionals in order to promote their creative development; To exchange and obtain new experience and knowledge, information and impressions; To organize training master classes (by inviting leading masters in the world) to learn and mutually exchange new repertoire between the choirs, mutually enrich with new traditions of other countries and peoples; Training seminars and workshops for internet training and education at international and national creative (including choral) websites; Round tables and conferences for the Heads of Delegations on issues of organizing creativity; To organize charity concerts in Kamchia and in concert halls and museums in the city of Varna, to participate in religious worship (spiritual music), schools and colleges (child and youth choirs). To organize ‘Days’ dedicated to a particular country for learning the language and traditions of a particular people on this day. 1.4 Founder and organizer of the Festival: Foundation ‘Sustainable Development of Bulgaria’ Art Directors: - Natalia Barabanshchikova, Moldova; - Kahaber Onashvili, Georgia; - Honored artist of the Russian Federation Biser Kirov - Bulgaria. With the support of Sanitation and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’, Bulgarian Anti-fascist Union, mass media. 1.5 Venue: Stay of the participants in the Creative meeting ‘TOGETHER IN THE 21st CENTURY’ in KAMCHIA Resort Complex, Bulgaria, situated 30 km south of the city of Varna. 2. Conditions for participation 2.1. The Creative meeting ‘Together in the 21st Century’ will be held from the 27th of August to the 2nd of September in Sanitation and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’ (Bulgaria). Arrival of the groups – on the 27th of August, departure – on the 3rd of September. If a group wishes to stay longer for recreation, stay in the Sanitation and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’ can be extended. To hold the Creative meeting ‘Together in the 21st Century’ the time of the so-called ‘golden autumn’ was particularly reserved to combine creative meetings, concerts and recreation of the participants in the meeting. 2.2. The following entities can participate in the Festival: CHOIRS: child, teen, youth, professional, folk, veteran, school, student, amateur choirs, whose number of performers – in the choirs – is at least 16 people and in the ensembles - from 2 to 16 people. In the composition of teen and youth choirs young people aged 16-28 years are allowed to participate. SOLOISTS (vocal): classical, folk music, jazz, pop singing, patriotic and original song (specify the presence of concertmaster. For the category ‘Pop singing’, as well as for military and patriotic songs, it shall be permitted to use accompaniment phonogram minus 1 with back-vocals). DANCE ENSEMBLES: classical ballet, folk dances (the presence of accompanying instrumental group shall be permitted), pop and ballet dance, contemporary dance, pantomime and modern dance. SOLOISTS (and duets) in all above-listed categories. INSTRUMENTALISTS (ensembles and soloist) No restrictions (specify the presence of concertmaster). THEATRE GROUPS: drama, music, мodern, original song, original genre, etc. ARTISTS (for exhibitions both originals and their copies or photocopies shall be accepted) and ARTIST-PHOTOGRAPHERS. BEGINNER POETS, AUTHORS AND PERFORMERS IN THE GENRE ORIGINAL SONG. 2.3. Value of accommodation and food: EUR 25 per day and night per child (from child and youth choral groups to 18 years inclusive) and EUR 35 per adult (from 18 years up). The value of the amount paid includes: – accommodation in comfortable rooms for 3 to 4 individuals (for directors – double room); – three meals in a restaurant (full board); – transfer from airport Varna and back; – pool; – training hall; – visit to the planetarium and Space Center; – playgrounds; – emergency medical care, if necessary. If visas are required for the countries participating in the festival, the host country will provide an invitation to ensure issuance of visas for Bulgaria. OBLIGATION OF THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE FESTIVAL Every participant must have medical insurance for his stay in Bulgaria. Each child is also required to submit a medical certificate that the child is not in contact with infected patients. On the area of Sanitation and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’ the Medical Complex ‘ZDRAVETS’ is situated which is equipped with the latest world achievements in the field of medical equipment, physiotherapy and treatment. Each adult participant must sign a declaration of consent to comply with the rules for living in the complex and the requirements of the festival. 2.4. All choirs and ensembles that have wished to take part in the festival shall pay in advance the amount of EUR 30 per individual, for preliminary registration, as part of the payment due for the stay. Bank details: In BGN: Sanitation and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’ EAD INTERNATIONAL ASSET BANK AD CENTRAL BRANCH No: 81-83 Todor Aleksandrov Street IBAN: BG12IABG80981001526401 BIC: IABGBGSF In EUR: Sanitation and Health Complex ‘Kamchia’ EAD INTERNATIONAL ASSET BANK AD CENTRAL BRANCH No: 81-83 Todor Aleksandrov Street IBAN: BG64IABG80981401526402 BIC: IABGBGSF Manner of payment: money transfer in the bank. If payment is made in cash – it is permitted to pay in cash only up to BGN 15 000. In the Republic of Bulgaria it is prohibited to pay in cash an amount greater than that specified. 2.5. Applications to participate in the Festival will be accepted until 31st of July inclusive by form (Annex 1). To the application the following should be attached: information about the group (biography) and about the art director – up to 1500 characters; color digital photo of the group and photo of the art director; CD or DVD recording of the group or a link to a video or audio resource in the Internet; program of the group, indicating the time of sounding of each work; concert program for Gala-concert (20 minutes); copy of the payment order for payment of the advance amount. All groups who have submitted a full package of documents shall be admitted to participate. Participation in the festival shall be considered as full consent with all its conditions. In the program of the Festival: Concerts on prestigious grounds and in the Cathedral of the city of Varna; Gala-concert ‘One Destiny – One Victory’; Concert of patriotic and military songs; Concert of soloist vocals, Group and individual master classes (rehearsal equipment, concert practice); Work in mixed choir; Round table of choir masters; Creative and Internet workshops; Excursions; Lectures; Discussion club; Entertainment programs for children and adult; Sea recreation, sun bathing; Sport races; Health procedures; Recreation in the pools and simulators. Choirs should perform a program with sound duration of minimum 15 minutes. In the program the following should be presented: minimum one work in Russian and one in any other Slavic language; a spiritual work of Slavic author (for Academic choirs it is required to perform minimum one work of the Mass or Vespers of S.V. Rahmaninov or of Dm. Bortnyanski or one or two works of the choir concerts of Dmitriy Bortnyanski) or 1-2 spiritual works of an author from the country participating in the festival; a work of contemporary composer of the country which the choir represents; free work or two works at choice; for folk choirs – minimum 2 works of the folk music of the own country. At least 2 works should be without accompaniment. If desired, the choir can perform an own program of not more than 1,5 hours; topics - free. This must be stated in the application to determine the program of the festival. Should carry with it: State flag of the country participating in the festival and (or) flags for each participant (for official events). National costumes (or one form) for the parade of participants are welcomed. Poster is also welcomed (in electronic format, without specifying dates, to be sent to the Organizing Committee of the Festival latest until July 31, 2014 inclusive). All participants (in the choral category) shall be awarded Diplomas of Participants and commemorative awards for: The best performance of a work of S.V. Rahmaninov; The best performance of a work of Dm. Bortianski; The best performance of a work of Russian author; The best performance of a work of a Slavic author; The best performance of a work of ancient chant; The best solo; The best performance of a spiritual work; The best performance of a work of a modern author; Premium for musicality; Premium for prayer (for vocal and choir categories); Special prize for the best performance of Bulgarian work; All groups should learn a work in the course of the festival to be performed by the combined choir at the Gala-concert of the Festival. Vocal competition Within the choral festival a competition for young vocalists will be held for the nominations: Songs from the war years; Lyrical and patriotic song; Classical vocal. Age categories: - junior group (from 14 years), - intermediary group (from 12 to 18) - senior group (from 18 to 24 years) Folk singings: - junior group (up to 12 years), - intermediary group (from 12 to 16) - senior group (from 16 years) Those who wish to participate in the competition of vocalists should pay the amount of EUR 30. (specify the presence of concertmaster) In the program of the competition audition the following should be presented: In the nominations ‘Songs from the war years’ and ‘Lyrical and patriotic song’: 2-3 songs (minimum 1 song in Russian). Classical vocal: In the junior group: - classical work - song at choice In the intermediate and senior group: - romance - aria - work of contemporary author. Folk singing: - folk song from the country of the participant; - free work selected by the participant; All participants in the competition of vocalists shall be awarded Diplomas of Participants and the best performers in each nomination – Diplomas of Laureates I, II and III degree, and also precious gifts. The Festival manifests ideas of friendship and cooperation between peoples, exchange of cultures and traditions. Any statements showing disrespect and conflicts on a national basis shall automatically lead to disqualification of the group. Address of the Organizing Committee: Foundation ‘Sustainable Development of Bulgaria’: Republic of Bulgaria 1164 Sofia No: 2 Yakubitsa Street, entrance А, floor 6 e-mail: Responsible officer for financial matters and accommodation: Ekaterina Hristova, Lilia Bozukova: +359-2-9584973, +359-896 719620 e-mail: For creative matters you can call the Natalia Barabanshchikova, Art Director, on the following phones: +373 79 63 63 01 (Moldova) +359 89 55 32 926 (Bulgaria) +380 97 55 41 262 (Ukraine) Enhlish speaking contact: Justyna Dziuma, +48 507 075 679