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2 Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Chorow w Warszawie

2nd International Choir Festival in Warsaw

Starting date2011-05-26
Ending date2011-05-29
Country, CityPoland, Warszawa
Entered 2010-03-15 by Anna Frank

Festival addressed to different categories of choirs: mixed, female, male and from all around the world. The concerts will take place at some eminent churches of Warsaw. The common songs: Alta trinita beata - Anonimus Canticorum iubilo - G.F. Haendel Gaude Mater Poloniae - Wincenty z Kielczy Inter vestibulum - G.A. Perti Gala concert will be conducted by Mr Wieslaw Jelen, well know and meritorious conductor of numerous choirs in Warsaw and animator of musical life, the President of "Caecilianum" Choir Federation (http://www.caecilianum.eu ). ========================================= Festiwal adresowany do roznych kategorii chorow: mieszane, zenskie, meskie, z calego swiata. Repertuar obowiazkowy: Alta trinita beata - Anonimus Canticorum iubilo - G.F. Haendel Gaude Mater Poloniae - Wincenty z Kielczy Inter vestibulum - G.A. Perti Koncerty odbeda sie w kilku, znamienitych warszawskich kosciolach. Koncert finalowy dyryguje Pan Wieslaw Jelen, znany i zasluzony dyrygent wielu warszawskich chorow oraz animator zycia muzycznego, Prezes Federacji Chorow "Caecilianum" (http://www.caecilianum.eu ).


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