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XVI Międzynarodowy Festiwal Chórów "Gaude Cantem"

16th International Festival of Choirs "Gaude Cantem"

Starting date2021-10-21
Ending date2021-10-23
Submission deadline2021-08-27
Country, CityPoland, Bielsko-Biała
Event locationGaude Cantem
Entered 2021-08-13 by Dobry Duch

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Chórów „GaudeCantem” odbędzie się w roku 2021 już po raz szesnasty. Historia imprezy jest jednak dłuższa - sięga roku 1996. Wtedy właśnie „Gaude Cantem” został zorganizowany po raz pierwszy w Oświęcimiu, jako najważniejszy w roku przegląd zespołów śpiewaczych skupionych w Bielskim Oddziale Polskiego Związku Chórów i Orkiestr. Ta właśnie organizacja wraz z Regionalnym Ośrodkiem Kultury w Bielsku-Białej to niezmiennie, od początku po dzień dzisiejszy, główni organizatorzy Festiwalu. Świadectwem pamięci o tamtych pierwszych latach, a nade wszystko wyrazem szacunku dla Kazimierza Fobera, nieżyjącego już współtwórcy przeglądu, wówczas prezesa oddziału PZChiO w Bielsku-Białej, jest nadanie imprezie jego imienia. Miejscem trzech pierwszych edycji (1996-1998) był Oświęcim. Później impreza została przeniesiona do Bielska-Białej i tu pozostała już na stałe.
Od 2005 roku, kiedy to po kilku latach przerwy ponownie zaczęto zapraszać zespoły zagraniczne, w imprezie wzięły udział  282 chóry z Czech, Łotwy, Macedonii, Niemiec, Słowacji, Słowenii, Węgier, Włoch, Rosji, Estonii, Cypru i Polski.
W programie Festiwalu znajdują się: warsztaty chóralne, seminarium dla dyrygentów chórów, konkurs chóralny, Przegląd Chórów Seniora (skierowany do zespołów w których składzie min. 30% stanowią osoby w wieku 60+) oraz koncerty festiwalowe organizowane w Bielsku-Białej i miejscowościach powiatu bielskiego, cieszyńskiego i pszczyńskiego.
Organizatorom zależy na tym, by impreza pomagała podnosić umiejętności uczestniczącym zespołom i dyrygentom, ale również, by była okazją do artystycznej rywalizacji chórów od dziecięcych do seniora.

Informujemy z dumą, że od tej edycji zwycięzca Festiwalu otrzymuje nominację do udziału w Konkursie Grand Prix Polskiej Chóralistyki im. Stefana Stuligrosza w Poznaniu.


Regulations of the 16th edition of the Festival
Rules of participation:
1. XVI International Choir Festival „Gaude Cantem” will be held on 21-23 October 2021 in both, stationary and online form.
2. Only amateur choirs which had submitted an application form can participate in the Festival.
3. The closing date for submitting the application form is 20 August 2021.
4. The application form must be submitted via e-mail: gaudecantem@gmail.com
The application form must be accompanied with a current recording and photo of the choir (the basic of the photo should not have less than 2000 pixels).
5. Choirs may participate stationary in the workshops and/or in the competition and/or in the Senior's Review and they are obliged to participate in festival concerts.
6. Choirs may declare that they will participate only in festival concerts.
7. Choirs participating in the stationary Festival are obliged to participate in Friday’s inauguration concert of the festival and they prepare a short presentation (a sacred piece, about 1 minute).
8. To participate in the Festival, the choirs will be selected by the Artistic Council on the basis of the application form and choir's recordings of at least two songs (recorded not earlier than within the last two years) sent by e-mail (link) or by post on CD/DVD.
9.The list of choirs selected to participate in the Festival (Workshops, Competition, Senior's Review and Festival Concerts) will be published on the Festival's website not later than on 31 August 2021.
10. Choirs qualified to participate in the festival pay a registration fee of 500 PLN.
11. The choirs which belong to the Bielsko-Biała Department of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras and participating in workshops and/or competition and /or review pay 50% of accreditation fee, and taking part in festival concerts only are exempt from the accreditation fee.
12. The payment shall be transferred to the organizers' bank account IBAN: PL 79 1030 0019 0109 8530 0022 1704, BIC (SWIFT): CITIPLPX not later than on 15 September 2021 (date of crediting the account). In the event of choir’s later resignation from participating in the competition, the fee will not be returned. The fee will be returned if the festival is canceled because of the coronavirus.
The bill for accreditation will be issued after receiving the payment.
The organizers provide:
1. Certificate of participation for each choir taking part in the Festival.
2. Meal for choirs taking part in the Senior's Review on 22 October 2021.
3. Dinner for groups participating in the competition on 23 October 2021.
4. Treat after festival concerts.
5. CD with recorded competition performances.
6. Assistant for each group for the time of duration of the Festival.
In order to facilitate getting to concert locations, the choirs should use their own means of transport or the means of transport rented by the organizing committee at choir's expense.
The organizers do not take responsibility for illegal performing of the music (copyright) and law activities connected with it.
Date: 21-23 October 2021
Place: Hall in GOK Mazańcowice, ul. Strzelców Podhalańskich 350
Workshop include:
• collective voice production,
• work on workshop songs (vocal-instrumental),
• the opening concert of the 16th International Choir Festival "Gaude Cantem" during which the workshop songs will be performed.
1. Each group qualified for workshops is obligated to prepare (to read to a large extent) workshops pieces.
2. Choirs taking part in workshops are obligated to participate in all festival concerts - they are supposed to prepare 20 minutes of a sacred repertoire (concert in a church) or free to choose (concert in a community centre, a rest house).
The organizers will decide about a place and time of these concerts.
Workshop songs:
Wolfgand Amadeus Mozart – Missa Solemnis in C (KV 337)
Mirosław Gałęski – Śpiewaj radośnie
Norbert Blacha – Modlitwa o pokój
Jan Krutul – To miłość (Oto ona)
Aenda of the workshops in details:
21 October (Thursday)
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. workshops
1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. lunch break
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. workshops
22 October (Friday)
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. workshops
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. lunch break
3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. rehersal with solists and orchestra
7:00 p.m. The opening concert of the 16th International Choir Festival "Gaude Cantem"
23 October (Saturday)
Festival Concerts
Review of Senior's Choirs
stationary and online
Date: 22 October 2021
Place: Music School in Bielsko-Biala, ul. Wyspianskiego 5a
Rules of the review:
1. Only amateur adult choirs, where at least 30% are members over 60, can participate in the review.
2. Choir selected to participate in the review is obliged to send set of scores (PDF) of competition compositions not later than on 15th September 2021.
3. Choirs qualified for the Online Review are obliged to submit audio-video recordings of competition works (or links to these recordings) by October 8, 2021.
4. Choirs participating in the stationary review are obliged to participate in the inaugural concert - they prepare two songs for the joint performance:
• Norbert Blacha – Modlitwa o pokój
• Jan Krutul – To miłość (Oto ona)
In the Saturday’s festival concerts, choirs prepare a 20 minutes sacral repertoire (concert in a church) or any other repertoire (concert in a community centre, rest-homes). The organizers decide about the place and time of these concerts.
Rules of the review:
1. The repertoire of the review should comprise of unaccompanied, stylistically diverse pieces; at least one song should be composed by a composer from choir’s native country. It is allowed to perform one piece with the accompaniment of instruments.
2. Repertoire submitted to the competition cannot be changed.
3. The time allowed for a performance (including going into and leaving the stage) shall be between 8 to 10 minutes. Choirs not respecting these time limits may lose 2 points of the mark.
4. Order of performances will be drawn by the organizers.
5. Winner of the review is obliged to perform during the final concert of the Festival.
Absence of the group will cause reduction of the mark of 5 points and withdrawal of the granted awards.
Rules of the Jury:
1. The composition of the international Jury will be announced before the beginning of the competition.
2. The Jury of the competition will evaluate: intonation, interpretation, repertoire choice, difficulty level, sound quality and overall artistic impression.
3. Scores granted by the Jury will not be disclosed.
4. All decisions made by the Jury are final.
Cup for the best choir of the review and cash prize.
Online Review winners do not receive financial prizes.
Złoty Dyplom (Golden Diploma) – 90 – 100 points
Srebrny Dyplom (Silver Diploma) – 75 – 89 points
Brązowy Dyplom (Bronze Diploma) – 60 – 74 points
Honorable mentions:
- For the best choir of Bielsko PZChiO department
- For the most interesting interpretation of a sacral piece
- For the most interesting interpretation of Polish composer piece
The planned total value of prizes is 20 000 PLN.
The Jury reserves the right to award other prizes.
Cash prizes are subject to taxation according to applicable law
stationary and online
Date: 23 October 2021
Place: Music School in Bielsko-Biała, ul. Wyspiańskiego 5a
Regulations of the competition:
1. Choir selected to participate in the competition is obliged to send a set of scores (PDF) of competition compositions and the actual photo of the group (not smaller than 2000 pixels) not later than on 15 September 2021.
2. Choirs qualified for the online competition are obliged to submit audio-video recordings of the competition songs (or links to these recordings) by October 8, 2021.
3. Choirs participating in the stationary competition are obliged to participate in the inaugural concert on Friday – they prepare one sacral piece and in Saturdays’ festival concerts - they prepare a 20 minutes sacral repertoire (concert in a church) or any other repertoire (concert in a community centre, rest-homes). The organizers decide about the place and time of these concerts. Not taking part in these concert will result with disqualification of the group.
4. Choirs awarded in the stationary competition are obliged to participate in laureates' concert. Absence of the choir will lower the assessment with 5 points and will cause withdrawal of the given prizes.
Rules of the competition:
1. The winner of last year's Grand Prix cannot participate in the competition.
2. The competition will be divided into the following categories:
A – children's choirs (up to 16 years of age),
B – youth choirs (up to 21 years of age)
C – equal voice choirs,
D – university choirs,
E – chamber choirs (up to 16 people),
F – mixed choirs,
3. The repertoire should comprise of unaccompanied, stylistically diverse pieces; at least one song should be composed by a composer from choir’s native country.
4. In A category - children's choirs - it is allowed to perform one piece accompanied by instruments.
5. A choir shall not change its repertoire.
6. The time allowed for a performance (including going into and leaving the stage) shall be between 12 and 15 minutes.
Choirs not respecting these time limits may lose 2 points.
7. Order of performances will be drawn by the organizers.
Rules of the Jury:
1. The composition of the international Jury will be announced before the beginning of the competition.
2. The Jury of the competition will evaluate: motoric skills (tempo, rhythm, dynamics) intonation
(color, harmony) rhetoric (verbal and musical articulation)music expression (style, phrasing), program dramaturgy and overall artistic impression.
3. The maximum score is 100 points.
4. Scores granted by the Jury will not be disclosed.
5. All decisions made by the Jury are final.
Grand Prix – for the best choir of the competition
Złoty Dyplom (Golden Diploma) – 90 – 100 points
Srebrny Dyplom (Silver Diploma) – 75 – 89 points
Brązowy Dyplom (Bronze Diploma) – 60 – 74 points
The Grand Prix winner and the winners of Golden Diplomas in particular classes will receive cash prizes.
Online competition winners do not receive financial prizes.
Special awards:
• for the best children's choir,
• for the best youth choir,
• for the best choir of Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras, Bielsko department,
• for the most interesting interpretation of a sacral piece,
• for the most interesting interpretation of a Polish composer's piece,
• for the best conductor of the competition,
• exemption from the entry fee of the International Choir Festival and Competition "Canco Mediterrania" and the International Choir Competition by Pau Casalsa, in Barcelona and Lloret de Mar (Spain),
• nomination to participate in the Grand Prix Competition of Polish Choir Music of Stefan Stuligrosz in Poznań for the Grand Prix winner of the Festival. If a foreign group wins this award, the nomination is given to the Polish choir that scores the highest number of points among Polish choirs.
The planned total value of prizes is PLN 20 000.
The Jury reserves the right to award other prizes.
The Jury has the right to distribute the prizes in a different way than in regulations.
Cash prizes are subject to taxation according to applicable law.




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